I've been meaning to blog for awhile now, but I couldn't think of a topic to start off with. However, my day today gave me plenty of material. So...here goes...
I ran into an old friend today...and by old friend, I mean former friend, an individual whom I'm sad to say I would no longer consider a friend. That may not seem like anything to write home about, but for me...it was.
Seeing her today brought up a lot of questions...the main one being, is there really any one thing that someone can do that is so terrible it can't be forgiven? We fight and make up all the time as human beings, but is there a line we can cross that we can't come back from? And once that line has been crossed, how do you go about living your life? When you see that person, do you speak to them as if nothing ever happened, or do you walk on by and pretend that they were never a part of your life?
I've always questioned how people can just walk out of their loved one's lives without ever looking back, but this experience has made me wonder if sometimes it's necessary...if sometimes the hurt goes so deep that it can't be healed and continued exposure to each other would only bring more pain.
I don't have the answers to any of these questions. So tonight, I feel like I'm in limbo. Stuck between being the friend that I once was and the person that I've become since she walked out of my life...and unfortunately it's a rather empty feeling.
Hopefully they're right when they say that time heals all wounds...now if only life would stop picking at the scabs, maybe there wouldn't be quite so many scars...
I sure wish I had those answers. It would make life a lot easier I must admit. But as we all know life isn't easy!!